District Property Trust, also known as District REIT, is a private Real Estate Investment Trust that owns and operates a portfolio of diversified income-producing real estate and real estate mortgage investments. As unit holders, investors can benefit
from the capital appreciation of District REITs assets through on-going management and value creation strategies.
As a Canadian entity, District REIT seeks to acquire Canadian properties with a focus primarily on emerging secondary and tertiary markets within Southern Ontario. We strategically invest in this targeted region and consider it to be Our District.
With real estate growth in Southern Ontario over the past decade, District REIT’s experienced acquisition team believes this targeted market has displayed a favourable value of appreciation and is anticipated to have potential room for growth.
Targeted 8% annual distribution
Potential for capital appreciation
Tax efficient distributions as a return of capital
TFSA, RRSP, Registered eligible
Executive Summary
Executive Summary 2021
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet September 2021
Want to know more or see other offerings?
You can reach us directly at tbecker@quantuscorp.com or at 250-514-0274 (direct) 647-689-6089 (main)
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